0 stnd 26 You get a non-committal hissing noise. You receive a wary nod. A slith guard stands watch warily. 0 stnd 25 "Please. Do not judge us for what a few of us do. There are as many slith souls as sliths." "We had learned of the ways of the world we had been thrown from, and since we could never return to it, we decided to recreate it. So we came to the humans in peace, and built this town, so that you may hear this tale and see some of our true nature." 0 rejected 19 "As the war started, decades after we arrived, some of us finally rejected Sss-Thsss." His face darkens with anger. "Yes. A band who followed dark powers, led by Sss-Thoss, grandfather to Sss-Thsss. They were expelled, in the mercy of the leaders, and came here, threatened by death should they return. Then the humans arrived." 0 rebels 19 "We valued that which you humans valued. But there were rebels." "Ah, yessss. I tell this tale to any human I can, so you can understand us. The sliths here are refugees, exiles like yourselves, from the mighty slith kingdoms in the deeper caves. The kingdoms are ruled with wisdom and justice. And peace." 0 darklings 19 "I want nothing but friendship and have nothing but welcome for your kind. You seem to live much closer to the true Slith ideals than the Darklings." 0 humans 19 "I watch over my people, and deal with the two great forces that surround us - the humans and Darklings." He nods gravely. "I am Sss-Schai. The Sss is the slith way of stating leadership. I am ..." he pauses to recall a word "... mayor here." A mighty Slithzerikai with rich, dark green skin patrols the town watchfully. 0 stnd 19 "They are the keys to the Castle. Going there without one is futility." "Yes. We lived in the castle of Sss-Thsss, north, then east, then across the water. My advice to you, if you ever go there - the throne room of Sss-Thsss is upstairs, through a locked door. There are several onyx keys in the other forts." 0 castle 8 "Skatha, the blacksmith. He is the finest smith I have ever met. Your kind would be well to get weapons from him. Very few of the blades I have seen in human hands are any match for his." 0 mate 8 "Other of our kind want to slay you. I wanted to learn about you. I think you humans could be a great friend to us, if our dark brothers do not fill you with too much hate." 0 sage 8 She sighs, a slow hissing noise. "I am a sage, by trade, learning, and choice. But I fled the castle of Sss-Thsss, and my tomes stayed behind. And now my mate and I wait here for the war to end. And I take care of the little ones, because someone must." She smiles at you. At least, you think that's what that is. "My name is Eath. Welcome to Gnass." Her English is nearly perfect. Ever her S's sound right. She cuts them short, instead of letting them trail off. A delicate slith female watches over the babies swimming around in the pools. 0 stnd 8 His body shakes with laughter, but only a quiet hissing sound emerges. "We slithsss use two point spears, not like your human one-point spearsss! Make all of iron or steel! Takes great strength to make, great strength to use! It a great honor to you that we let you have them. But you pay big price for that honor, eh?" 0 spear 7 38 37 Skatha the Smith 12 purch 7 "I forge weaponsss! My spearsss are my pride, and I love when they used! Purchasss one, and I burst with pride, that a human use my weapon! A slith spear is a mighty thing!" "Ahssss! Humansss! I Skatha! Welcome to my store!" A gigantic slith, green skin bright and shiny, muscles bulging awesomely, forges a slith two-tined spear. 0 stnd 7 28 23 Garthass 12 purch 6 "I brew potionsss and scribe scrollsss. You could purchase them now, if you like. Though I fear what humansss may one day do to ussss, we help them now best we can, in hope that one day peace may lassst." 0 help 6 "But I see you are not like that. Or so I think. I have help for you." "Our dark slith brothers concentrate on you humansss now. But they will come for us as well. We will fight them! And if not them, I fear you humansss will one day give in to your hate for us. Our little village sits between two giantsss, waiting." 0 defend 6 "I study, and prepare. One day, we will be called to defend ourselves." She looks up at you, her reptilian face expressionless. "Welcome. I am Garthass." A young female slith pores over a leather scroll. Her eyes glow. 0 stnd 6 He indicates the town with a grand gesture, his strange face lit up with pride. He laughs, a strange, sibilant sound. "We learn that from humansss. Sliths live in warrens, but when we flee here, no warrens. So make housesss. I think I am first slith to ever do so! I did not well at first. Rocks fall on our heads. But now!" 0 homes 5 "We sliths remember the great magi and leaders of our past. And we remember them with statues. Paper rots, and carvings fade, so sliths keep their history in many, many statues. Stonemason much respected by sliths!" 0 statues 5 "I work the stone. I make statues, and homes for people here." "Ah! Welcome, humansss! I Bass-Athai, slith stonemason." A muscular slith works on a statue. 0 stnd 5 "That is our desire here. Our chief, Sss-Schai will tell of our passsst, and how we came here, and of the darkness we want to help you fight." 0 peace 4 "It is sad. Was a beautiful place. The full twelve purification pools. Gone now." "When we sliths came here, we built a great temple in a lovely swamp. It was good, and I helped build it, by Sss-Thsss and his defiled it when they took over. Now they worship dark things, and have an altar with a hunk of a dead human's broken sword." 0 temple 4 "I take care of the shrine. It is not the temple, but it must do for us." "Yesssss! On the island outside! Not all of us sliths worship dark beings. We have gods of peace, which dark Sss-Thsss has turned from. Go to the shrine and bow to it, and you will feel some of what it is to be a true slith, and not a foul rebel." 0 shrine 4 20 healer 4 "I am a healer, and I tend the shrine. And I greet humansss who come here in peace and tell them of us." "Ah! Humanssss. Welcome, welcome! I am Asp." An old slith with a wise, piercing, lidless gazes reclines behind the desk. 0 stnd 4 "Not all slithsss bad. We of Gnassss friendsss to humanssss." He offers you a mushroom. 0 peace 3 "Yessss. You see Ahss? Brith? Sthah? They my worker sliths. Some sliths not smart, like they. They make mushrooms, I watch them, we eat, trade with humansss. Want peace." 0 farm 3 "Ssss." He waves his arm in a slow, grand gesture. "I farm. This my farm. I want peace. We friends here." "Hsss. Welcome, humansss. I called Ach-Schah." An old, stooped Slithzerikai, its skin grayish and cracked, leans against a tree watching his fields. 0 stnd 3 She replies something in the slith tounge. It includes repeated use of the phrase/word/whatever "Ach-Schah". 0 gnrc 2 She says something in a slow, careful way. Unfortunately, she says it in the slith tounge. She makes a light hissing noise. A small slith watches you warily. 0 stnd 2 "Uhsss. Sss. I of Ach-Schah. Ask him." 0 gnrc 1 "I pick mushrooms. Hss. Mushrooms good." "Hssss!" You've startled it. "I Brith! Good slith! No hurt!" A slow moving slith is picking mushrooms. 0 stnd 1 "Sssss. You ask Ach-Schah. He know." 0 gnrc 0 "I work on the farm." It seems a very slow creature. "Hss. I called Ahss. Hss." It doesn't seem very alert. A slith meanders about the farm, doing odd jobs. 0 stnd 0 "Sss. I know nothing of that." 35 2 A sign by the path says: Asp. Keeper of the shrine and the path. A small sign says: Nursery. Human visitors - take care. A sign says: Skatha - Smith All races welcome. There is a plaque in the middle of the glade. Below the pictograms is a simple sentence in your tongue: "Until we return home." Gnass